Exercise Protein Ingestion and MPS

Exercise Protein ingestion has been shown to increase muscle protein synthesis (MPS). It is beneficial to consume protein during and after physical activity, especially pre and post-exercise. The benefits of eating eggs and Whey protein are well known, but Plant-based proteins can also be beneficial for MPS. However, they must be used carefully.

Pre- and post-exercise protein ingestion increases muscle protein synthesis

Protein ingestion is a key factor in increasing muscle protein synthesis. A balanced diet contains protein in sufficient amounts to increase muscle protein synthesis and maintain optimal levels. However, if protein is consumed pre or post-exercise, it may have the opposite effect. It may increase MPB or inhibit MPS. In such a scenario, the ideal balance between the two would be one in which the body is in a more anabolic state, while limiting protein intake during exercise would result in a decrease in protein synthesis.

In a study involving more than 500 healthy people, researchers from the Exercise Metabolism Research Group examined the effects of pre and post-exercise protein infusion on muscle protein synthesis after resistance exercise. Their results suggest that the synergistic effect of protein intake and exercise is greatest within the first 24 hours after exercise, and it diminishes afterward. The results of the study suggest that the post-exercise period may be the most important time for protein ingestion.

Egg protein increases MPS

Consuming complete amino acid mixtures and intact proteins after exercise has been found to increase MPS. However, the timing of protein consumption is crucial to maximize the effect. In a recent study, researchers found that MPS responses increased with a higher protein intake 30 to 45 minutes before and after exercise.

Although the effect of egg protein on MPS is not well understood, some evidence indicates that this protein supplementation may increase the body’s MPS production after exercise. Interestingly, ingesting egg protein increased leucine oxidation. However, it is not clear whether egg protein supplementation increases lean body mass. The researchers looked at the effects of egg protein on female athletes undergoing resistance training. The study found that egg protein supplementation increased lean body mass by 1.5 kg, while the carbohydrate-only group experienced a 1.6-kg increase.

While eating protein before sleep may improve MPS, research suggests that it is not always beneficial. Interestingly, studies have found that protein-rich beverages, like milk or chocolate, can enhance MPS, improve overall metabolism, and decrease blood pressure. Alternatively, drinking protein-rich beverages during the evening may have a positive effect on muscle recovery. In addition, studies have shown that consuming 30-40 g of casein protein before bedtime may increase MPS overnight.

Whey protein stimulates MPS

The dietary supplementation of whey protein has been shown to increase MPS during exercise. However, this effect is not universal and is not based on the amount of protein consumed. In  단백질 보충제 one study, the amount of protein consumed during the exercise session had a strong influence on MPS. Witard et al. demonstrated that 20 g protein / kg of body weight stimulated MPS.

Studies have found that MPS levels are influenced by protein quality, and most of the studies have used high-quality proteins such as milk-derived protein and whole egg protein. Whey protein, on the other hand, has a high amino acid content, and this helps stimulate a robust protein synthetic response. In fact, the rapid digestion rate of whey protein may have played a key role in discovering Leucine’s role in MPS activation.

Plant-based proteins increase MPS

Plant-based proteins have recently been found to stimulate muscle protein synthesis in a manner comparable to that of animal-based proteins. The differences between these two types of protein may be attributed to differences in protein digestion, amino acid composition, and absorption kinetics. Regardless, the ability of plant-based proteins to increase MPS during exercise is promising.

The MPS response is less pronounced after eating a plant-based protein compared to animal-based protein, and this effect may be compensated for by consuming more plant-based protein. The difference is largely attributed to the differences in the speed of digestion and amino acid content of plant-based proteins. In addition, plant-based proteins often contain fewer essential amino acids than animal-based proteins.

Leucine promotes MPS

A recent study suggests that leucine can promote MPS by binding to the protein Sestrin2 and dissociating it from GATOR2, a GTPase activating protein that activates mTORC1. mTORC1 phosphorylates downstream proteins and activates MPS, which promotes muscle protein accretion. However, there are still many questions about the mechanism of leucine’s role in MPS.

A number of animal studies have shown that leucine promotes MPS, but human studies have shown conflicting results. In order to fully stimulate MPS, protein intake should include sufficient leucine and EAA. However, any further protein intake is unlikely to result in additional net protein balance or protein synthesis. In addition, there is no definite optimal amount of leucine, especially in young men.

The amino acid leucine can also promote muscle growth by signaling the body to enter an anabolic state. This signaling process can result in an increase in overall muscle growth and lean body mass. Furthermore, leucine may help athletes recover from injuries and prevent their muscle mass from declining.